From Loves Vibration Money Flows

October 4, 2016
Hosted by Sandy Goldstone

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Episode Description

What happens to our energy field when we invest our focus and attention in the egos stories about lack, scarcity, and not being and having enough? Why is it so important to examine our grievances, resentments, feelings of guilt, shame and injustice if we want to be in tune with the flow and energy of money? What is the causal interplay between the vibration of Love Consciousness and the vibrational energy of money? Why is it so important to give generously, and share from a place of joy and love, as opposed to as a means to get? These question will be the basis for our contemplation as we explore what happens when we shift our focus from the external collective ego projections of lack and scarcity and go within to connect to the temple of our hearts, the frequency of Love from which our financial abundance flows.

Sounds of the Heart

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When we heed the call and say Yes to live from the Truth of our hearts we accept the invitation to deeply relax. We reconnect to The Still small Voice within and awaken to the truth of our True Divine Nature. We return home to be the beautiful radiant Light, loving, wise, peaceful, unified, abundant, creative, expressions of the One Divine Love at play.

Through inquiry, reflection and demonstrations we will discuss the practices that cultivate and strengthen our hearts connection, our true place of Being, so as to get a deep embodied sense of what it looks like, feels like, speaks like and acts like when radiating the hearts song of Love, Joy, Peace, Beauty, Unity, Abundance and Freedom. These above qualities and values are some of the topics that we shall explore together so we can become an alchemical catalyst for awakening not only to our own Divine Nature but for evolving the collective consciousness of humanity.

Sandy Goldstone

Sandy lives from her heart and is an intuitive, sensitive, calm, warm spiritual teacher, counsellor, mentor and public speaker, with a great Love for Aliveness, Clarity and Truth. She has a quality of Stillness, and the gifts of Love, Calm Joy and deep Wisdom and Insight. She has the ability to connect quickly and deeply with others and create a sense of trust by being willing to Be Present with what is, Open, Loving, Compassionate, Unwavering, Curious and Grateful. Sandy has a BA, Religious Studies, Advanced Dip, Trauma Counselling, Certificates in, NLP, TFT, Therapeutic Massage and Aromatouch, Reiki and Hypnosis.

In August 2011 Sandy had 2 near death experiences. She has overcome and transformed and transcended many experiences of institutional violence and abuses of power. She has written and presented papers on sexual abuse and domestic violence within the Church to schools, religious bodies and other health and community groups.

Sandy’s work experience is broad and diverse, working with all ages, individuals, couples and groups in both New Zealand and Australia. She has served in the Church as an Assistant and Youth Pastor, Community and Social Welfare in the areas of Addiction, Mental Health, Child Protection, Homelessness, Interpersonal Violence, Sexual Assault and now private practice as a Spiritual Teacher and Holistic Counsellor.

Episode Directory

November 2016

October 2016

  • 10/25/2016: The Atheist Who Died And Returned Awakened Listen Now
  • 10/18/2016: Doing Business The Hearts Way Listen Now
  • 10/11/2016: Consciously Creating with the Magical Mystery Listen Now
  • 10/4/2016: From Loves Vibration Money Flows Listen Now

September 2016

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