Wonder Women tech Conference 2016 Day 2
July 17, 2016
[Download MP3s: Julian Scaff | Work Life Balance Diana Trujillo and Willam Pomerantz talk Nasa and Virgin Galactic Kaki Flynn | NASA | STEAM Leadership Lisa Mae Brunson | Founder of Wonder Women Tech] [itunes] [Bookmark Episode]
Episode Description
April Joy and Ryan Treasure interview Diana and William about their rolls in current Space exploration and travel. Since 2008,Diana has worked at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, contributing to both human and robotic space missions. She is currently workin with NASA on the Curiosity Rover that is on Mars. william is the Vice President, Special Projects with Virgin Galactic. Will helps extend Virgin Galactic’s business beyond suborbital space tourism, developing efforts such as the LauncherOne orbital launch vehicle for small satellites as well as suborbital research campaigns on board SpaceShipTwo.
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