Scholastic News

January 29, 2015
Hosted by Lindsey Marie

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Episode Description

Lindsey shares her most recent Scholastic News articles! Tune in and hear about lots of different topics that are sure to inspire you to pick up a book and do more reading!

Book Worm

Thursday at 3 PM Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica Kids Channel

Bookworm is where kids read to kids!

At only ten years of age, show host Lindsey Marie will be reading books with you as you and your children follow along. Tune in each week to hear another set of stories read to you by Lindsey and other special guests.

Be sure to look for local read along events where your child may be asked to read on air with Lindsey!

Kids inspiring kids to read!

Lindsey Marie

Lindsey Marie is ten years old, and has a passion for reading. As a fourth grader, Lindsey often prefers a book to television and you would be hard pressed to find her out without a book in her bag. Lindsey is the youngest in her family. For the past year Lindsey has been learning the behind the scenes work at VoiceAmerica Kids and KidStar as a show junior producer under the mentorship of KidStar founder Perry Damone. Lindsey would tell you that she has a passion for fashion and love for all she meets.

It is her hope that through her show, Bookworm, on VoiceAmerica Kids and KidStar Radio Network that she can help inspire other young readers to read more and watch television a little less. Look for her at live remotes for read along events. Who knows? Your child may be selected to read on air!

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