New Year’s Resolutions and Answers to Your Questions about Overeaters Anonymous

January 9, 2013
Hosted by Naomi Lippel

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Episode Description

Another new year, another new year’s resolution. This year will be the year I lose the weight. This will be the year I start exercising regularly. This will be the year I give up sweets. This will be the year I stop lying to myself, my friends and my family about what and how much I actually eat. Have you ever heard yourself make these promises, maybe even wrote them down and posted them on the refrigerator, only to be back in your old patterns within days or weeks? Join us as we talk to OA members who have been there and found another way in OA. And call in with your questions and our panel will do their best to give you the information and encouragement you need to try a new approach to eating and weight. Call toll-free 866-472-5792.

Sound Bites from Overeaters Anonymous

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel

Sound Bites from Overeaters Anonymous (OA) is dedicated to educating you about recovery from compulsive eating using OA’s 12-step program. In OA you’ll find members who are obese, overweight, average weight, underweight, still maintaining some control over or totally unable to control their eating behaviors. Symptoms include eating binges, grazing, obsession with food and body weight, starving, purging through laxative abuse, excessive exercise or vomiting, inability to stop eating certain foods, secret binges, and yo-yo dieting. In OA, members find acceptance and understanding, support and companionship from others who have similar challenges, a new ability to achieve and maintain long-term healthy weight, and a transformation to physical, emotional and spiritual well being. Join us to hear the experience, strength and hope of people who struggled and found recovery and a new life in Overeaters Anonymous.

Naomi Lippel

Naomi Lippel has worked for Overeaters Anonymous World Service Office in New Mexico since 1994. After earning her degree in Professional Writing and Business at the University of New Mexico, she began as an editor and designer at the WSO, and then managed the publishing division for many years before being promoted to Managing Director in 2004.

Toll Free: 1-866-472-5792
Intl: 001-480-553-5759

Episode Directory

January 2013

  • 1/9/2013: New Year’s Resolutions and Answers to Your Questions about Overeaters Anonymous Listen Now
  • 1/2/2013: “In All Our Affairs” Listen Now

December 2012

November 2012

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