Special Encore Presentation: Empower Your Health

May 18, 2015
Hosted by Bill Walsh

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Episode Description

Healthcare - you have to take responsibility for your behavior. We can't rely on anyone to take care of our health for us. We have to take responsibility by choosing to make healthy lifestyle choices each and every day.

The Rainmaker Show

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

The Rainmaker show is designed to inform entrepreneurs and business owners of the latest concepts and ideas to create even more success in today’s challenging economy. America’s Business Expert will be interviewing top thought leaders from around the world on specifically what they believe are the key characteristics to create success. Our show will also look to provide interactive conversations and let you ask questions about and get advice on how to deal with the challenges you currently face when it comes to your business. Our show will be fun with great insight from Mr. Bill Walsh on what it takes to build a successful business and live an extraordinary life!

Bill Walsh

Bill Walsh is the CEO/Founder of Business Coaching/Venture Capital firm Powerteam International. His passion is to empower entrepreneurs and business owners to create massive success. He loves to help people to understand specifically what it takes to build successful companies. He is an accomplished author, speaker, radio personality and movie celebrity. He has a very successful background in finance and marketing. He has spent two decades working with start-ups to major global brands increasing sales, productivity and overall success. He is an innovator with a remarkable ability to determine and dictate success strategy to seize global market opportunities.

 Bill has an extensive background in foreign currency trading, real estate development and building businesses in more than 30 countries. Over the past two decades, his firm has specialized in helping companies launch, grow and create exponential valuation in the market. The Rainmaker Summit and WIN University programs offered through Powerteam are designed to assist entrepreneurs in creating the focus, plans and partnerships required to build multi-million dollar companies!

 Powerteam International provides Success Education programs around the world. The programs are designed for individuals, companies, and organizations that are interested in creating even more success. Bill is committed to raising the awareness of entrepreneurs, business owners and organizations worldwide!

Toll Free: 1-888-346-9141
Intl: 001-480-553-5760

Episode Directory

May 2015

  • 5/18/2015: Special Encore Presentation: Empower Your Health Listen Now
  • 5/11/2015: Empower Your Health Listen Now
  • 5/4/2015: Inventive Based Marketing and Business Optimization Listen Now

April 2015

March 2015

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