The Financial Physican

February 19, 2014
Hosted by Lou Scatigna

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Episode Description

The Financial Physician

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Business Channel

I’ve met with thousands of clients and witnessed the pain and suffering ignorance inflicts. As the host of The Financial Physician, I’ve answered questions for thousands of callers and discussed their concerns. In the process, I’ve developed a unique approach. When I first tried to advise people, many didn’t understand or resisted my suggestions. So I decided to try a different technique. I became the Financial Physician and began explaining finance by using analogies to physical health. Suddenly, they understood. I emphasized that physical and financial fitness are both crucial and that their financial wellbeing is second only to their physical health. Medical analogies have enabled me to get through in ways that people could quickly understand and accept. I help people became eager, cooperative and increase their role in charting their own financial lives.

Lou Scatigna

Louis G. Scatigna, CFP, is a financial expert who excels at clearly explaining complex fiscal matters. Since 1983 he has been a financial advisor and a licensed investment broker and since 1987 a tax accountant. Lou founded AFM Investments, Inc., a full service financial planning, tax preparation and investment firm in Howell, New Jersey, where he serves as the President and CEO.

For over 14 years, Lou has hosted the top rated radio program, The Financial Physician, in which he answers your questions on financial concerns. Lou gives his audience straightforward tough love and stresses the importance of financial responsibility and financial literacy. His unorthodox approach has made him a maverick who does not hesitate to question and challenge both trendy and traditionally accepted financial-industry views. He warned of the 2008 financial crisis more than two years before it happened.

Lou’s advice is built on rock-solid research and information and based on well-reasoned approaches that have consistently passed the test of time. A dynamic and popular speaker, Lou has been quoted in numerous newspapers including USA Today, as well as radio and television. Recently, he completed the pilot for a reality-television program called Operation Rescue that he hosts each week.

A native of Howell, NJ, Lou is a graduate of Rutgers University. He is married to Susan, his high-school sweetheart, and they have two children, Matthew and Michelle.

Toll Free: 1-866-472-5788
Intl: 001-480-398-1394

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