Ten Keys to FREEDOM

February 27, 2014
Hosted by Marlynn Bourque

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Episode Description

If you have been living with any limitation, these keys are for you! They are ten pragmatic life tools that you can use to get total freedom. Originally these Keys were called the Ten Commandments, as a joke. Now they are called: THE TEN KEYS TO TOTAL FREEDOM.

JoyAwareness Radio

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

JoyAwareness is inviting you to discover your joie de vivre. It is that zest for living, a buoyant enjoyment of life. JOY is what you already are. It is a lightness of being. Your AWARENESS allows you to access the joy that you are. Your capacity to be aware is your ticket to live happily, without all the lies, judgments, limitations and unconsciousness that you have been trained to function from. Kids have that vibrancy of living. Joy is a whisper of possibilities, choices, questions and contributions. We invite you to ride with joy through good and tough times. We will look at the value of hedonism, what is enlightenment, having true caring, how we attract magic when we are joyful. Explore the orgasmic joy of embodiment, the sexualness of being in your body. Come share the space of gratitude.

Marlynn Bourque

Being a catalyst for change and empowering people with practical tools to transform is really exciting for Marlynn. She created JoyAwareness to contribute to a more enjoyable and conscious world. It is an invitation for you to realize that JOY is what you are. It is the lightness of being, and you can use your AWARENESS to access what you are. Always knowing that there are possibilities beyond what we have been led to believe, she has been willing to be different. For a quarter of a century, she ventured into the Northern Canadian majestic mountains with her family in an unusual alternative lifestyle. She discovered many enlightening readings, few events and meetings that transpired as cues inviting her to pursue a profession that would inspire change. She became certified as a Transformational Breath Facilitator and created “Awareness Coaching” to support the progress of her clients. She is now excited to be a Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator and to witness magical transformations in her clients, as well as for herself. After learning many different healing modalities, it is the tools and processes of access that has allowed her to discover a dynamic potency for transformation in bodies, beyond anything she could have imagined before. Through her radio show on VoiceAmerica, her blogging page on Empower Network and the different social media she utilizes, it is now the time to invite the world to what is true and magical.

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