Cracking the Sales Code with Jason Jordan

January 25, 2016
Hosted by Kelly Riggs

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Guest Information

Episode Description

Jason Jordan is my guest in the LockerRoom this week. Jason is the co-author of “Cracking the Sales Management Code,” the first operating manual for sales managers. We’ll talk about sales, managing salespeople, and why some sale managers are far more effective than others.
Cracking the Sales Management Code is based on “groundbreaking research into how world-class companies measure and manage their sales forces.” It is described as a book that “reveals the gears and levers that actually control sales results.” Join me and Jordan as we discuss what makes a great salesperson, and why a great sales manager is a critical part of the equation.

BizLocker Radio

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Hosted by Kelly Riggs, BizLocker Radio is the show with compelling conversations and cutting edge business content you can use to improve your business performance TODAY! "A tip of the cap to this podcast. It’s a grand slam for sure!” "A phenomenal host.” “Hard-hitting and action-packed.” Kelly invites world-class thought leaders onto the show and uses his award-winning interviewing experience to create high-energy business conversations. The result? Riveting conversations and ideas you can use right now to improve your own business results. The show features phenomenal guests from the fields of leadership, sales, marketing, social media, and more. And don’t miss the “Xs and Os” segment with Miles Austin, the Web Tools Guy. Each week, he introduces yet another productivity tool that can take your business to the next level.

Kelly Riggs

Kelly Riggs is a sales strategist, a highly sought after business performance coach, and founder of Business LockerRoom, Inc. As a former corporate executive and entrepreneur with a strategic perspective, Kelly’s track record is clear – he get RESULTS. He is also a highly acclaimed, content-rich, platform speaker; a dynamic thought leader in the fields of leadership, business development, and strategic planning; and a guy who has both succeeded and failed as an entrepreneur. Achievements: A two-time national Salesperson-of-the-Year and award-winning sales executive, Kelly has spent the last seventeen years coaching, training, and mentoring business leaders. He has written two books: "1-on-1 Management™: What Every Great Manager Knows That You Don't" and "Quit Whining and Start SELLING! A Step-by-Step Guide to a Hall of Fame Career in Sales.” For more information, visit

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Episode Directory

January 2016

  • 1/25/2016: Cracking the Sales Code with Jason Jordan Listen Now
  • 1/18/2016: Elements of Sales Success with Anthony Iannarino Listen Now
  • 1/11/2016: Leadership in Crisis with Jeff Wolf Listen Now
  • 1/4/2016: Social Selling - Fact or Fiction? with Jack Kosakowski Listen Now

December 2015

November 2015

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