Optimize Your Potential

July 21, 2014
Hosted by Mahendra Kumar Trivedi with Trivedi Master Alice Branton

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Episode Description

What is the limit of a human begin? There is no limit...that is what makes the human unique on this planet. Tune in to find out how to start transforming all areas of your life for maximum growth and the ultimate goal...happiness!

The Trivedi Effect

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

Discover how you can unleash the energy of consciousness within yourself, activating your true power to create the reality you desire in life. Experience effortless success, increased wealth, better health and deeper relationships.

The Trivedi Effect is a phenomenon generated by the thought intention of Mahendra Trivedi, which through its direct connection with higher consciousness has the ability to transform the natural structure of both living and inanimate forms.

This powerful thought based energy transmission has transformed the lives of over 200,000 people worldwide, resulting in the effortless improvement in health, increases in wealth and development of deeper more loving relationships.

You will connect to your source and the God of your own understanding and effortlessly begin to experience your hearts true desires as you move towards a life of greater well-being and a continuous stream of miracles.

Mahendra Kumar Trivedi with Trivedi Master Alice Branton

MAHENDRA KUMAR TRIVEDI IS RECOGNIZED around the world for his ability to transmit a powerful form of energy known as The Trivedi Effect, a natural phenomenon that transforms living organisms and non-living materials to function at a higher level of consciousness and serve a greater purpose. More than 200,000 people worldwide have experienced the impact of The Trivedi Effect, on human wellness. Over 4,000 scientific studies have proven that the impact of this energy extends beyond humans to plants, animals, microbes and even nonliving materials. The scientific community remains stunned.

Mahendra Trivedi has pioneered bridging the gap between science and consciousness. Research institutes around the world have partnered with him to scientifically test, measure and validate the impact of The Trivedi Effect. This groundbreaking research has resulted in the publication of numerous substantiating articles in leading international peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Alice Branton under the guidance of Mr. Trivedi became a Trivedi Master and gained the ability to transmit the Trivedi Effect. Her powerful energy transmissions assist individuals, who are going through various problems in their lives, like sleeplessness, depression, eating disorders and more. When Alice first met Mahendra Trivedi in 2010, she recognized the massive potential this energy has to change the world. She immediately joined the Trivedi mission and serves today as CEO of Trivedi Global, Inc.

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