Setting Your Sights On Strategy Execution: Building Powerful, Aligned Professional Relationships

January 13, 2015
Hosted by Glenn Harris

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Episode Description

So you've developed a strategic plan, built a great team, and created a positive synergistic workplace, now what? You've looked at your numbers and somehow you are still not reaching your target. You ask yourself, what's missing? If you are one of the many corporate executives or organization leaders that has experienced this, then I ask you to listen to this show, where we will put in all together by examining strategic alignment and execution. What is often overlooked in today's business world, is the value of strategic alignment and execution. During this show we will explore their value and critical processes to move your organization and business from good to great!

Leading With Social-Emotional Intelligence: Building Trust Through Intentionality and Vulnerability

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Whether you are seeking business leadership transformation or personal growth our show is here to help you. We will assist you in developing self-awareness, self-management and insight into how you can positively affect others.

We will explore together how you can increase your insightfulness, understand how you work, what’s important to you, and how to achieve your goals.

Building your social-emotional intelligence increases your understanding of others and their needs in the work place. You will learn specialized tools to assist you in honoring the needs of others through valuing and utilizing their strengths.

We will explore the Five Key Behaviors of Cohesive Teams and learn how this process can transform your work group into a powerful team. Remember, leadership is not about getting people to follow you. It is about creating the capacity in others to become leaders. You can achieve your goals and reap the benefits from building leadership capacity.

Glenn Harris

Glenn Harris is a Certified Professional and Social-Emotional Intelligence Coach, leadership professional and contributing author to the upcoming book Roadmap to Success (with co-authors Deepak Chopra and Ken Blanchard). As Co-Founder of Pacific Executive and Education Leadership Associates Glenn works as a certified Social-Emotional Intelligence coach and trainer for all DiSC training tools and the world class Five Behaviors, team training program.

He frequently engages audiences as a leadership speaker with topics such as Trust, A Product of Authenticity, Who Do You See When You Look in the Mirror? and Adding Value To Your Relationships. His work has supported business leaders with improving their professional relationships.

Glenn has developed cohesive leadership teams within businesses and education organizations. During his 31-year leadership career he was honored as an exemplary superintendent of schools in Northern California. He received a Silver Star award and served as Region I President for the Association of California School Administrators.

Mr. Harris is an active Rotarian supporting many community leadership and literacy projects. Pacific Executive and Education Leadership Associates is an authorized partner for Everything DiSC and The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team. His exceptional work with social-emotional intelligence and authentic leadership has supported many professionals in becoming transformational leaders for organizations.

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Episode Directory

January 2015

  • 1/13/2015: Setting Your Sights On Strategy Execution: Building Powerful, Aligned Professional Relationships Listen Now
  • 1/6/2015: Into The Eye Of The Storm - Embracing Workplace Conflict Listen Now

December 2014

November 2014

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