A Hero's Journey

May 1, 2017
Hosted by Barton Queen

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Episode Description

A Hero’s Journey

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

The current situation for most individuals is they are unhappy with their lives. I have found there are four types of people, those who don't even care why they are here, those who seek their purpose and never find it, those who seek their purpose, find it and live in fear of it, and those who find their purpose and live that purpose out every day. Those people live the most successful lives! Those few LET THEIR LIVES SPEAK! THEY DO MORE, BE MORE AND GIVE MORE! The problem we all face is selling ourselves short. We make a choice, a choice to live the life we have instead of the life we were meant to LIVE! Our show is dedicated to helping you find your voice, develop that voice and help you live the life you were meant to live! My personal goal since 2008 is twofold: one, to give over one million people their voice, and two, to turn the number one fear of public speaking to number two. People want their lives to count. Peoples’ stories count. Peoples’ voices count.

Barton Queen

The ability to communicate your message clearly, concisely and powerfully is your silver bullet. Bart is a highly sought after speaker, communication expert and trainer. He is a valued asset and resource in helping individuals and businesses around the world develop solid communication skills for the professional and personal success. Bart started his communication training company fourteen years ago, the Ultimate Strategic Speaking System. Bart turns the Art of Communication into the Science of Remarkable Results. Bart teaches across all industries, all over the world, with executives, sales people, IT professionals, entrepreneurs and individuals. His experience is based on 25 years of training expertise. After fighting throat cancer, Bart is dedicated to a very simple mantra, FEAR NOTHING AND SERVE EVERYONE. His efforts are now expanding to help people develop their communication to the next level and letting their whole life speak. Bart’s focus is to help people create and live lives of intentional legacy. Bart learned when people find their voice, they find their purpose and gift to the world. This allows people to live out their vocation, not just a job or career. This is the ultimate expression of communication, LETTING YOUR LIFE SPEAK. He has spoken internationally and trained over five thousand people to find their voice. Bart was awarded Author of the Year in 2011 and Thought Leader of the Year in 2010.

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