BE YOUR OWN MEDIUM - Connecting to your loved ones

October 21, 2015
Hosted by Heather Scavetta, R.N.

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Episode Description

In this episode, I will be talking about how YOU can be your own medium and receive messages from your loved ones in Spirit. I will explain exercises to help you focus and realize the many ways your loved ones can reach you. Included is a guided meditation to help you get into that state of relaxation and receptiveness that is so helpful to receive clear information!

School of Miracles

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Learn how to open your spiritual gifts and communicate with your loved ones and spirit guides. Everyone has these abilities, as we are spirit first. It is our birthright to awaken to the invisible world, and meditation can be the foundation for this opening to happen. As we learn to quiet the body and mind, we in turn quiet the physical world and allow ourselves to hear messages from the invisible world, consisting of all our loved ones who have passed, spirit guides, animal guides, Masters, angels, and all higher beings of light. When we learn to access it for ourselves, the guidance from our spirit team offers powerful healing. Experience the love and knowledge that is there for you in an intimate way, and realize firsthand that your loved ones do not die but are still present in your life. Become your own medium by learning to see, hear, and feel your loved ones.

Heather Scavetta, R.N.

Heather Scavetta, RN is a Reiki Master and founder of School of Miracles. She has been teaching meditation, psychic development, mediumship and Reiki since 2006. She has been channeling The Council of Higher Light Beings and Ascended Masters since 2009. Heather developed her clairvoyant abilities after the death of her daughter, Elizabeth, in 2004. In her studio in Caledon, Ontario, she continues to help people who have experienced loss and those seeking more in life to develop their spiritual gifts and open up to communicating with Spirit. She and her husband, Tony, have twin girls, and live on their hobby farm with Canadian and Icelandic horses and two German shepherds.

Author of The Power of Love: A Mother’s Miraculous Journey from Grief to Medium, Channel and Teacher, Heather shares her personal journey of receiving visions and afterlife communication from her daughter, loved ones and spirit guides who encourage her to persevere through her grief. Having no previous ability, Heather shows that opening up spiritual gifts is accessible to everyone.

Through personal examples, she shares how to open your own psychic and mediumistic abilities and the many ways spirit can reach us. A story of celebration about the amazing experiences that occurred since Elizabeth’s transition, The Power of Love narrates one family’s story of how they opened their spiritual gifts to see, hear, and feel, and to know beyond any doubt that their daughter never left their side.

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Episode Directory

October 2015

  • 10/21/2015: BE YOUR OWN MEDIUM - Connecting to your loved ones Listen Now
  • 10/14/2015: Visions, Spirituality, Religion and Jesus Listen Now
  • 10/7/2015: The Foundation of Spiritual Work Listen Now

September 2015

August 2015

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