Pregnancy and Important Information You Should Know About Nutrition Guidelines, Vaccines, Toxins

March 18, 2016
Hosted by Sharon Brennan, Lshc, Cnhc, Ntp

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Episode Description

This episode will provide information on how Nutrition Guidelines, vaccines, toxins and more effect a pregnancy, fetal development and baby.

Whole Healthy Living

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel

Whole Healthy Living will provide you with expert information, resources and products for clean living.

The premise of all disease is inflammation. Inflammation is a result of toxicity, which comes from four physical sources:

1. Heavy Metals, such as dental materials, herbicides and pesticides, immunizations, baking powder, deodorant, hair dyes and many more.

2. Pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, parasites, prions, fungus and mold.

3. Xenotoxins and endocrine disruptors like plastics, hair dyes, nail polish, dairy products and more.

4. Environmental toxins, such as electromagnetic fields, microwaves, radiation, radon and many more.

Although these are 4 physical sources of toxins, our thoughts, emotions and excess stress can be toxic as well.

Food, air, water and sunshine are essential for human life and it’s important our sources are clean.

Sharon Brennan, Lshc, Cnhc, Ntp

Sharon Brennan is a licensed and board certified holistic Health Coach and Nutritionist. Sharon functionally understands how the innate processes of the body work and the nutrients that support proper function for vibrant health. Sharon developed and practices a strategic program called The Essential 7 Program. The Essential 7 Program is a 7 foundation program that naturally helps people to achieve their optimal body weight and wellness. Sharon sees patients within her private practice, virtual office and hosts speaking engagements, workshops and corporate wellness. She is passionate about helping people to clean up their own bodies and diets, educating and empowering them to take charge of their health, and creating awareness about the toxins that impair our health every day causing the many conditions that plague our society.

Sharon Brennan is quickly becoming the "go-to" guru in holistic nutrition. She is becoming famous for empowering people to live their optimal weight so they thrive with abundant energy and optimism without prescribed pills or manufactured foods.

To grab her FREE 7 Day "Lifestyle" Meal Plan go to:

Toll Free: 1-866-472-5792
Intl: 001-480-553-5759

Episode Directory

March 2016

  • 3/18/2016: Pregnancy and Important Information You Should Know About Nutrition Guidelines, Vaccines, Toxins Listen Now
  • 3/11/2016: Healthy Nation - Dietary Guidance, Policy and Healthy Eating Listen Now
  • 3/4/2016: Are You Drinking Sewage And Toxins? Listen Now

February 2016

January 2016

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