Psychology and Feng Shui Tools To Market Your Website

March 15, 2017
Hosted by Kathleen Zemansky

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Episode Description

Chris Dayley, VP of Testing and Site Optimization at Disruptive Advertising, joins us on this episode of “Illuminating Feng Shui” to discuss psychology and feng shui tools to market a website. As an expert Neuro-marketer, A/B Tester and CRO Speaker, Chris lives and breathes internet marketing. Conversion rate testing and optimization is his passion and area of expertise. His company has created innovative testing programs for businesses, with a tried and proven process for evaluating and executing high-impact tests. Chris will share with listeners the key components that greatly influence a website’s audience behavior. Find out why businesses struggle to get people to convert, the biggest problems most businesses have with their websites and how to combat these problems. Kathleen will integrate the feng shui tools to market a website with her Feng Shui, Astrology and Auspicious Timing expertise.

Illuminating Feng Shui

New shows added weekly on VoiceAmerica Business Channel

Illuminating Feng Shui brings awareness and credibility to Classical Feng Shui and Chinese Metaphysics, a time proven tool that has been successful for the past millennium. Kathleen interviews business professionals who offer their insights about Feng Shui in the workplace, as well as weaving in her own perspectives about Feng Shui, astrology and timing.

Kathleen’s goal is to help you tap into the universal energies of Feng Shui and Chinese Metaphysics by incorporating tips on how to optimize your success and build a strong business. You will be empowered to follow your unique birth map, enhance your physical workspace, use your greatest strengths at the right times, and achieve your personal and business goals.

Kathleen Zemansky

Kathleen Zemansky is a Business Feng Shui Master who is dedicated to helping conscious businesses and individuals harness the power of the ancient wisdom of Classical Feng Shui and Chinese Metaphysics to optimize their success in business and life.

She specializes in Business Feng Shui, Astrology, and Good Timing, and uses these tools to empower her clients to follow their unique birth map, optimize their physical workspace, use their greatest strengths at the right times, and achieve their personal and business goals to craft their destiny.

Kathleen developed her proven date selection technology, The TimeBlazr (tm) Business Management System, to increase efficiency, productivity, and accountability for her clients, who are both entrepreneurs and professionals. She recently launched her Business Astrology Software embedded with ancient insight in plain English.

Kathleen has several advanced degrees in Classical Feng Shui and Chinese Metaphysics from top-level teachers around the world. She has studied and taught in the United States, Malaysia, China, Tibet, India and England.

Kathleen’s deeper passion is generating greater peace and understanding in the world through cross-cultural communication. She believes her work is a way to pay forward the generosity and joy she has experienced in her world travels and studies. She is thrilled to offer this timeless wisdom for modern usage to help make our world a better place to live, work, and thrive.

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