Recipe for Real Happiness

December 19, 2019
Hosted by Dr. Emil Haldey

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Episode Description

In this episode of Prescription for Success Dr Emil Haldey will interview Melissa Garson, M.Ed., MAPP, Certified Life Coach, Speaker & Author. At the beginning Melissa will talk about her personal story that brought her the work she does now. She will talk about her work as a life coach and motivator in helping people find the meaning in their lives. She will present the listeners the Recipe to Real Happiness, discussing the four major ingredients that help reach this goal, as she wrote in her book with the same title.

Prescription for Success with Dr. Emil Haldey

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel

Our show concentrates on practical advice to people seeking to enhance or reclaim their health. We discuss medications, supplements, and customized approaches to your health. Healing and empowerment start from within. It all begins with our thoughts, emotions and practical positive psychology.

We are all flooded with information. With so many ads on TV, cable news, social media, etc consumers are left to question many conflicting opinions and motivation behind the shared information. Join us so that we can help you make the right decisions to enhance your health and well-being.

Dr. Emil Haldey

Dr. Emil Haldey is a Compounding Pharmacist and President of HALDEY Pharmaceutical Compounding located in New York City. Dr. Haldey has over 20 years of experience covering a diverse spectrum of fields in the pharmacy profession. After many years in big pharma, Dr. Haldey, decided to leave pharmaceutical manufacturing and focus his practice on pharmaceutical compounding. As he began his journey into this professionally fulfilling path, his desire and passion to help patients with their unique medication needs, opened new venues for Dr. Haldey to bring to life many customized treatment approaches. He works with physicians across various specialties, such as functional medicine, pain management, sports medicine, dermatology and others.

Dr. Haldey lectures regularly on diverse topics and various medical specialties covering compounding and individualized medicine. He has lectured at distinguished hospitals in New York and to various national professional organizations. Dr Haldey has been published in distinguished medical publications, including The Journal of The American Medical Association.

Dr. Haldey wants to share his experience and expertise with the many patients who are suffering that do not know where to turn and what to do about their health issues. The wisdom he acquired during his own health journey will offer new options in detoxifying from heavy metals and novel ways to embrace easily accessible paths to health optimization.

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