Mindful Matters - 08/20/19

August 20, 2019
Hosted by Dr. Dorree Lynn

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Episode Description

Mindful Matters: Love. Sex. Spirit.

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

Dr. Dorree, almost 8 decades, still a sexy, savvy, s-age. Her advice is ageless. Dr. D's lifetime motto has been “Reach Out. Life Is Too Complex to Do Alone.”

Elders are living longer, healthier and sex-filled lives. Younger people are more isolated than ever. As a result of the rapid rise of technology, social isolation and other factors, they are having less sex, have increased loneliness, suicide, violence and their spirits are often shattered.

Mindful Matters is the guide you need to help you explore and change how you think and act about your life challenges. Dr. Dorree's wise words, often presented with a touch of risqué humor, may just grab you where you have always wanted to be touched. She knows how to go where you may wish but not know how. Join her for support and answers. Dr. Dorree knows joy and gratitude can help along the way.

Dr. Dorree Lynn

Dr. Dorree Lynn is a nationally known celebrity psychotherapist, sex-pert, author, lecturer and media personality. She has helped thousands of men and women achieve intimacy, vitality and the best sex of their lives. Dr. Dorree offers solutions to a myriad of life issues. She is a wise elder who tried retirement, only to return with the concept of re-FIRE-ment. She was the media sex-pert for AARP and the founder of the Fifty and Furthermore e-zine. As a psychologist, she was the respected ear to power brokers in government, media, corporate America, and the arts. Dr. Dorree has been an international speaker, consultant, the host of multiple radio programs, and a regular media expert for the American Psychological Association.

She is an out of the box thinker whose Ideas are not always PC. She is an advocate for positive aging and believes that mentoring and education are an age-related responsibility and gift. Her down to earth, pragmatic and process approach is often peppered with humor and salted with wisdom. Dr. Dorree knows life from the inside out. She introduces you to ideas and people, some that may be familiar and others that may be brand new. She believes sex, intimacy, love and spirit have no expiration date. Dr, Dorree invites you to reach out and join her as she tackles issues that you may think about but dare not speak.

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