Judgment Enforcement Strategies That Work

October 23, 2019
Hosted by Joe H. Dickerson

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Episode Description

Hear our greatest hits on the this episode of The Judgment Enforcement Hour. With over 30 years of experience, Joe Dickerson, CFE and special guest, Al Hochheiser, Esq. talk about their experiences together and educate you on how to outsmart the bad guys. Listen here to learn Judgment Enforcement Strategies That Work.

The Judgment Enforcement Hour

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Business Channel

The Judgment Enforcement Hour reveals the underlying problems contributing to the 80 percent failure of Judgment Enforcement in the U. S. and the solutions on how to get client judgments collected despite the national failure rate. Joe Dickerson and his distinguished guests reveal the unrealistic expectations of many judgment creditors and how they and their attorneys are often outsmarted by the fraudsters and other judgment debtors. The realistic, proven processes developed by Joe over his 50-year career, covered in his International best-selling Book, DIAGNOSTIC and PRESCRIPTIVE JUDGMENT ENFORCEMENT, is revealed and discussed in detail during each show. Joe and his guest discuss their concerns and provide suggestions to help solve your problems.

Joe’s new approach to this old problem can change the face of Judgment Enforcement and help victims of fraud, embezzlement, contract disputes, estate settlements, divorce property settlements and more.

Joe H. Dickerson

Joe Dickerson has spent approximately fifty years working in the financial forensic research profession specializing in financial investigation and judgment enforcement. He was a Detective Sergeant with the Houston Police Department and was a founding member of the Organized Crime Bureau for the Houston (Harris County) DA’s office. Joe founded the Oil and Gas Crime Prevention Bureau. He is a nationally and internationally recognized instructor on financial investigation and judgment enforcement and has trained members of the FBI, DEA, Secret Service, IRS, SEC, Postal Inspectors, U.S. Attorney’s staff, Attorney General’s staff, Texas Rangers and various law enforcement agencies, bar associations, regulators, trade associations and professional groups. As Chief Executive Officer of Financial Forensic Services, LLC he is responsible for the day to day management of the domestic and international forensic research and judgment enforcement practice.

Joe has appeared for interviews on CBS, NBC, ABC and numerous radio shows. He has been interviewed and had articles published in the Houston Chronicle, Houston Post, Wealth Magazine, The Journal of New England, Technology and The Denver Business Journal. He was featured in the last issue of Texas International Airlines, aka TransTexas’s inflight Magazine. Joe is an International best-selling author of the book “Diagnostic and Prescriptive Judgment Enforcement.

Toll Free: 1-866-472-5790
Intl: 001-480-398-3352

Episode Directory

October 2019

  • 10/23/2019: Judgment Enforcement Strategies That Work Listen Now
  • 10/16/2019: Cyber Investigation Tips and Tricks Listen Now
  • 10/9/2019: Helping Your Attorney Recover Your Money Listen Now
  • 10/2/2019: Collecting Judgments in the Debtor Haven of Florida Listen Now

September 2019

August 2019

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