If You Only Ask with Mark Victor Hansen

November 18, 2022
Hosted by Phyllis Ayman, MS/SLP, CDP, CADDCT, CDCM, CMDCP

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Are you reluctant to ASK because you fear rejection? Have you asked and been rejected? That's happened to all of us at one time or another. Mark Victor Hansen coauthor of The Chicken Soup for The Soul books series ultimately turned into huge worldwide success setting record book sales of over 500M and more than 100 licensed products. But it wasn't an easy journey. The book was turned down by publishers 144 times until one publisher finally agreed to take it on. Through all those failures, it was wisdom received from Ross Perot that became the backbone of their future success. That within each rejection lies an opportunity to learn, refine, and improve your story and the way you tell it. That could be a guiding mantra for any of us. It takes practice, determination, grit and the willingness to ASK. Ask is the basis of the learning, refinement and opportunities to improve your story and way you tell it. In his book ASK: The Bridge from Your Dreams to Your Destiny, cowritten with wife Crystal Dwyer Hansen he tells us that your dreams can become your destiny when you learn the secret art of asking! Hansen says, “You were born with a destiny. Your job is to discover it. Know exactly how to ask for what you want and get it.” There is an art and science to asking. A language that you have to master in order for the Universe to deliver your desires. Many older adults have untapped, buried, or undiscovered dreams or desires. They deserve to live a purposeful and fulfilled life in their Elderhood years. Mark Victor Hansen in his book ASK can show you the way.

Seniors STRAIGHT Talk

New Shows Weekly on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

Seniors STRAIGHT Talk, formerly Voices For Eldercare Advocacy, is rebranding with expanded content and topics. The podcast will continue to highlight the all-important relevant issues for seniors, their families, loved ones and the population at large, who ultimately are our future selves. Through informative and engaging conversations with thought leaders, professionals, and individuals who share their experiences, listeners will gain insights and information that will be meaningful for their everyday lives. Phyllis’ expertise captures the essence of the topic of the day and translates it into relevant discussion that provides insight into everyday problems. As we transition into elderhood, which Phyllis calls the third act of life, seniors are entitled to have a quality and fulfilling life with dignity, respect and purpose no matter the age, condition or living environment. Seniors STRAIGHT Talk is available to listen and download on all your favorite podcast platforms.


Phyllis Ayman, host of Seniors Straight Talk, is a speech and language pathologist, certified dementia practitioner, trainer, and best-selling author who’s dedicated to improving quality life and quality care for older adults in our families, communities and nursing home residents. She’s best known for her communication skills, empathy, unwavering high standards, and believes strongly that care treatment of older adults is a direct reflection of society’s attitudes towards adults the elder years of their lives. She’s passionate about meeting the needs of our culturally diverse senior population and understands the root causes faced by nursing home residents after working in 50 nursing homes. Phyllis is passionate about teaching what she learned from helping your parents to how she can help you. Phyllis is an accomplished author and featured speaker and an accomplished trainer for both the public and private sector. Her latest book Dignity and Respect: Are Our Aging Parents Getting What They Deserve? became an instant Amazon bestseller. She’s published several articles and courses for healthcare workers and caregivers and holds a trademark for the word “IMpathy” (tm).

Phyllis serves as a board member of the Massachusetts Advocates for Nursing Home Reform, is an advisory board member to Olive Community Services based in Los Angeles, California and served as a member of the COVID19 National Health Care Coalition.

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Episode Directory

November 2022

  • 11/18/2022: If You Only Ask with Mark Victor Hansen Listen Now
  • 11/11/2022: Medicare, It's Not That Complicated Listen Now
  • 11/4/2022: Did You Know..The Int'l Day of Older Person is yearly on Oct 1st? Listen Now

October 2022

September 2022

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