Lessons Learned Until We Meet Again

December 24, 2019
Hosted by Marshall Adler

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Episode Description

Since this is the final episode of the first season of the show, it is important to address the lessons I have learned from the passing of my son, Matt Adler.

What My Son’s Death by Suicide Taught Me About Life

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

Our guests include amazing people who have suffered loss and learned to not only survive but actually thrive after their loss. They will provide real life insight into loss, survival and redemption. This show will address recovering from a tragedy of a suicide of a loved one. The topics to be covered include grief, the family dynamics of recovering from loss and how to live a life of meaning after the tragedy of suicide.

Marshall Adler

I am a graduate of Duke University Law School who has practiced law in Orlando, Florida for the past 38 years. My life was forever changed on July 22, 2018 when my 32 year old son, Matt, died by suicide. Two days later on July 24, 2018, my mother also passed away. Since Matt’s passing, I have been on a journey of grief, loss and redemption. I have personally talked to scores of survivors who have lost a loved one to suicide.

As a result of this tragedy, I have decided to dedicate the rest of my life to analyze why we are in the middle of a suicide epidemic. The purpose of this show is to be a forum where fellow survivors of a loved one’s suicide can have a resource to learn how to live a life of meaning after the tragedy of suicide.

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