Developing Individual Resilience: Key to Adapting to Change

April 26, 2023
Hosted by Bonnie D. Graham

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We queried ChatGPT: "What is resilience and why is it important for people as individuals?" ChatGPT response: Resilience is the ability to adapt and bounce back from challenges and setbacks. It is an important trait for individuals because it helps them cope with adversity, manage stress, and maintain mental and emotional well-being. By developing resilience, individuals can become better equipped to handle challenges and navigate life’s ups and downs with grace and confidence. We also asked ChatGPT for fictional movie quotes about Resilience and Change. ChatGPT response: – “Life’s not about how hard of a hit you can give... it’s about how many you can take, and still keep moving forward.” – Rocky in Rocky Balboa, 2006 – “I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning how to sail my ship.” – Amy March in Little Women, 2019 – “Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss.” – Benjamin in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, 2008 – “You know, sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage. Just literally 20 seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it.” – Benjamin Mee in We Bought a Zoo, 2011 – “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” – Ferris in Ferris Bueller's Day Off, 1986 We’ll ask Cynthia Hansen, Michael Okada, Upen Barvé and Hazem El Banna and for their take on Developing Individual Resilience: Key to Adapting to Change,

Innovate & Servitize Your Business for Balanced Growth, co-presented by Innolifters and Servitize

Listen On Demand on VoiceAmerica Business Channel

Our world is moving from shareholder value to stakeholder value, from a transaction model to a relationship model…where parameters like climate change and diversity are not just ‘variables’ any longer. The circular economy and the emerging design principals of co-innovation and balanced centricity are becoming your ‘new normal’, where everything you do is integral to a bigger picture. When you design a network, the whole network must benefit from it, co-innovating within the company and for all key external stakeholder groups and user networks. The key to achieving this? Servitization! Servitization instantly connects your products and services and their journeys to companies…companies to ecosystems…ecosystems to stakeholders. And comes full circle back to the products and services. Join host Bonnie D. Graham on your journey to Innovate & Servitize Your Business for Balanced Growth, co-presented by Innolifters and Servitize.

Bonnie D. Graham

Bonnie D. Graham produced and hosted her first live talk radio show in 1998 on AM1240–WGBB, Long Island, NY’s oldest terrestrial radio station. A few years later, she moved from terrestrial to Internet radio with her author interview show, “Up Close and Personal.” In 2011, working at the enterprise software leader SAP, she developed the concept for a weekly live global business thought leadership roundtable series on the VoiceAmerica Business Channel – and launched “Coffee Break with Game-Changers” on October 5, 2011. Over the next nine years, Bonnie D. created, produced and hosted 46 additional SAP series on the Business Channel, attracting millions of listeners around the world. Since becoming an independent broadcaster in 2019, she has developed and hosted live radio and podcast series on the Business Channel for eight additional organizations, as well as her own weekly series, “Read My Lips: Cool Conversations with Creatives with akaRadioRed,” on the Empowerment Channel. In 2023, her live-streaming “Technology Revolution: The Future of Now” series was ranked No. 6 on FeedSpot’s Top 70 Technology Podcasts to Listen to in 2023. What powers Bonnie D.’s passion for radio? She “loves speaking with smart people!”

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Episode Directory

April 2023

  • 4/26/2023: Developing Individual Resilience: Key to Adapting to Change Listen Now
  • 4/6/2023: Developing Organizational Resilience: Adapting To Change Listen Now

August 2022

July 2022

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