Episode #2 - Conversations At The Dive with Cartrice

November 14, 2022
Hosted by Cartrice Covin

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Episode Description

Conversations At The Dive with Cartrice

On Demand Episodes on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

This is a show that we dive into diverse topics such as mental health, empowerment conversations that deal with hope, confidence, restoring of oneself, and those are at a crossroad or transition in their lives. These conversation will give wisdom that will empower, encourage, and change their lives forever.

Cartrice Covin

Cartrice Covin is a Fowler International Academy Certified Professional Coach and Certified Disaster Recovery Coach. As a woman, I have purposed to empower all people, no matter what season of life they are in currently.? As a woman that teaches and motivates individuals from all walks of life, I understand that on this journey every individual need encouragement that builds levels of confidence that inspires and motivates people to reach their dreams, goals, and aspirations. As a certified professional coach, I have the professional expertise and skills needed to boost your confidence, identify your passion and purpose, and create new strategies needed to move beyond your circumstances into the future you desire. My name is Cartrice Covin. I currently residing in Albany, GA. I am Special Education Teacher, Children’s Author, Workshop Facilitator, Education Testing Consultant, and a Strategic Tutorial Specialist for (low preforming learners) in the Southwest GA area and surrounding regions. Cartrice have worked tirelessly over the years to implement strategies and resources that will strengthen our educational system and to help parents and students with disabilities. Cartrice is a graduate from LaGrange College with a B.A in Organizational Leadership and received a master’s degree from Argosy University in Instructional Leadership (Instructional Teaching and Learning). Additional Certifications in Special Education (Autism, Mild or Moderate Intellectually Delayed, and Behavioral Disorders). I am currently completing my advanced degree in School Psychology.

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  • 11/14/2022: Episode #2 - Conversations At The Dive with Cartrice Listen Now

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